Little Lyell Machines (book)

Purchase physical book here.

Published book providing historical, place, art and technology context to the Little Lyell Machines generative art project.
Download digital pdf version of the published book here.

code artist  +  writer

Little Lyell Machines 
Interactive generative artwork exploring
narrative in code-based art


Little Lyell Machines - Book 
Published index to the generative piece
(+ purchase link)


Generative artwork, a roll-up byzantine
floor-plan / circuit board


Interactive generative fold-up house
inspired by Hammershøi’s Interiors


Psychedelic Islands
Generative artwork, islands
and their shipping routes


Little Block Machines
The original 12-block machine

Tarot Code
Animated generative tarot cards and
interactive card reader for wise life advice

Writing (computer art): learning code art, writing about other digital artists’ work
Writing (social research)urbanism, housing systems and gerontology, technology, society


code artist + writer

Little Lyell Machines Interactive generative artwork exploring
narrative in code-based art

Little Lyell Machines - Book Published index to the generative piece
(+ purchase link)

Generative artwork, a roll-up byzantine
floor-plan / circuit board

Interactive generative fold-up house
inspired by Hammershøi’s Interiors

Psychedelic Islands
Generative artwork, islands
and their shipping routes

Little Block Machines
The original 12-block machine

Tarot Code
Animated generative tarot cards and
interactive card reader for wise life advice

Writing (computer art):
learning code art, writing about other digital artists’ work
Writing (social research):
urbanism, housing systems and gerontology, technology, society

Bio + contact